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Listen To David’s Latest Free Talk:
Opening to the Rage Beneath the Resignation and the Love Beneath the Rage
Opening to the Rage Beneath the Resignation and the Love Beneath the Rage Opening to the Rage Beneath the Resignation and the Love Beneath the Rage Opening to the Rage Beneath the Resignation and the Love Beneath the Rage Acknowledged as one of the most insightful and provocative spiritual teachers of our time, best-selling author David Deida continues to revolutionize the way that men and women grow spiritually and sexually.
Dear Lover: A 6-Week Self-Study Program for Women with David Deida
An Embodiment Journey into Love’s Deepest Bliss
This is David’s only online self-study program for women, and it’s designed to bring you his most profound teachings on spiritual and sexual devotion as a path to ecstatic intimate communion with yourself, your lover, and the divine.
Inside you’ll discover how to:
- Free your body and heart from the emotional armor that prevents you from giving and receiving the depth of love you desire
- Trust your feeling sensitivity and innate feminine wisdom
- Reveal the vulnerability and radiance of your true heart so you can be met fully and loved deeply by your partner
- Awaken channels of subtle sexual energy while keeping your heart sourced in fullness
- Transform past hurt, old wounds, and self-sabotaging patterns into revelations of profound love and trust
- Feel deeply, express fully, and artistically offer your deepest gifts in life and intimacy
Join David Deida for a rare opportunity to receive advanced teacher training under his tutelage. Over the course of this training intensive, David will give you customized instruction and feedback to refine your mastery as a teacher and sharpen your ability to lead with integrity. Instill your current practice with a new layer of depth to amplify the value of your work with others and become exceptional in your field.
“In the area of sacred intimacy, David Deida is holding a lightening bolt. He sheds an astonishing light.”
Marianne Williamson, Author of A Return to Love
“David Deida is the one western teacher of tantra whose books I read and whom I send students to learn from. The results of true practice, in any tradition, are unmistakable; David Deida demonstrates them.”
Lama Surya Das, Author of Awakening the Buddha Within
“We all taste God, taste Goddess, taste pure Spirit in those moments of sexual rapture, and wise men and women have always used that rapture to reveal Spirit’s innermost secrets. David Deida is such a wise one.”
Ken Wilber, Author of Sex, Ecology, Spirituality
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