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What is Search TV?
Search TV is a site that will help you find in a easy way Broadcast TV signals where you can download a m3u8 list with a remote address for being played with VLC media player.

Our Mission:
Our mission is to make easy for people that are living in other countries alone from their home to watch TV from their homeland, so can be aware of what is going on with the things that most matter.

How we help our users?
Our users are helped in many ways. You may be traveling and are alone from your home, you may be with a broken device and can’t watch your favorite news channel, you maybe not have digital TV signal in your home, or you maybe not have Full HD signal with your provider. All of that can be solved with Search TV.

What you should expect with this platform.
Search TV update the lists every day and check if the stream is online or not, so you should find the streams in an easy way. Also Search TV should make the best in terms of future updates to improve your experience from time to time.

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