Sorry, Textise had a problem with that address.
There are various reasons why Textise might fail to process a page:
- The page might be temporarily unavailable. - The page might not exist. - The page might contain badly-formed HTML code. - You might have mis-typed the address. - The web site might have refused connection. - The page is just too huge and Textise times out. - The Textise web service might be down. - The page you want to convert to text exceeds the fair use size limit. - Pixies.
Here are some options:
- View the un-Textised (original) version of the page - Go back to the previous page - Go to the Textise homepage
The address in error was:
The error message is:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Server was unable to process request. ---> System.Exception: MAXIMUM CONTENT LENGTH EXCEEDED. In order to maintain a high quality experience for all of our users, Textise operates a fair use policy. Under this policy, there is a limit to the size of a page that can be processed. If this causes you problems, please contact us via the Textise Contact Page.