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    關於在國外使用 WhatsApp | WhatsApp 使用說明 2024-09-22 21:35 
    若在國外旅行時使用當地的 SIM 卡,您仍可透過原有的電話號碼使用 WhatsApp。然而在此情況下,若您需要重新驗證帳號,則無法使用當地的 SIM 卡進行驗證。若要(重新)驗證 WhatsApp 手機號碼,您的手機必須使用相應的 SIM 卡,並啟用手機或簡訊服務。

    Yes, you can use WhatsApp with an eSIM just like you would with a normal phone with a SIM card. When you install an eSIM, you will keep your WhatsApp number, so it will behave as normal. This means you will also keep all your. conversations. contacts.

    Tap Settings. This option will be at the bottom of the drop-down menu. It will open your WhatsApp Settings menu. 4. Tap on a category to change your settings. You will have the option to browse and change your settings in five categories: Account, Chats, Notifications, Data Usage, and Contacts. [2]

    1. 到達目的地後,將Banana Travel Sim插入手機或流動裝置再開機. 2. 開啟手機或者流動裝置嘅「流動數據網絡」同 「數據漫遊」功能. 3. SIM卡會自動連接當地網絡. 我哋建議雙卡手機用戶將SIM卡插入SIM 1卡槽,同埋將數據服務網絡設定為使用SIM 1。. 提提您:用完Banana ...

    關於自由鳥遨遊sim . q1. 自由鳥遨遊sim係乜? 遨遊sim係一張超過60個目的地都用得嘅漫遊數據卡。好處係俾你每次旅行都可以用返同一張sim加購外遊日費,唔使再次次出發前周圍去買數據卡,費時失事。喺海外一插即用,無需繁複設定,旅遊公幹必備。 q2.

    日費計劃收費以每一日、每個漫遊地區計算,使用不足一日亦以一日計算。. # $75/5日熱門亞太數據日券即平均每日$15。. 客戶如使用熱門亞太數據多於5日,在所有數據日券扣除後將按照熱門亞太地區之日費收費。. HKBN Global SIM旅遊數據卡,一卡傍身,陪你遨遊 ...

    WhatsApp is finally rolling out the ability to add a second account on a device. You will need a phone with dual-SIM support, either through dual physical SIMs, eSIMs, or a combination of the two.

    1. Upon arrival, insert your Travel SIM into the handset or mobile device, and turn it on. 2. Turn on "Mobile Data" and "Data Roaming" settings on your handset or mobile device. 3. The SIM will connect to the local mobile network automatically (mobile data will be available immediately if a Day Pass for the destination was added to the SIM)

    以前去外地旅行用 WiFi 蛋,但現在WiFi蛋壞了,在外國買當地 SIM card插在自己的android 機後要另外做 setting嗎?另外 WhatsApp不跟自己電話 no 咩? 插了其它 SIM card 後自己 Whatspp 可以用嗎?又可否將自己 android 機變 WiFi 蛋 share 比平板用?


    Here are the steps to get started with WhatsApp: Download the app - Go to the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) and search for "WhatsApp". Download and install the app. Verify your number - Open WhatsApp and it will detect your phone number. WhatsApp will send a verification code via SMS to confirm your number.

    365日 5 GB 100Mbps 2000 mins. 180日 10 GB 100Mbps 1000 mins. 180日 5 GB 100Mbps 1000 mins. 120日 1 GB 100Mbps 500 mins. 30日 10 GB 100Mbps 200 mins. 365日 1000 mins. 365日 留言信箱. 如果閣下是數據卡 ,請於上方增購「數據服務」而不是為電話卡增值。. LuckySIM - Hong Kong.

    如使用雙sim卡流動裝置,一般可於設定選擇sosim作為主卡,再開啟數據漫遊即可。 * 此功能不會影響外遊數據有效期。 外遊數據一經啟用並連接覆蓋網絡,即使選擇「暫停使用」自動啟用功能,有效期不會暫停計算。

    To get free messaging when traveling internationally with WhatsApp, connect to Wi-Fi or use a local SIM card with data to send messages and make calls without incurring additional charges from ...

    想問清楚如果在海外,是否用任何旅行sim card(包括有通話分鐘的),都接收不到香港的SMS,例如:銀行的一次性密碼? 如果在海外有此需要,必須要更換回香港電訊商那張才可以? 因為SMS一定係要跟香港電訊商張SIM card? 不同whatsapp, 可以轉移過旅行用的SIM Card。


    Recently I reset my S21 FE and installed WhatsApp after that. Tried setting up, but not getting verification code neither via SMS nor via Phone Call (Jio). Please help. I've been trying since last 3 days without any success. For another SIM (Airtel), I set up WhatsApp Business without any problem...

    全球旅遊SIM搜尋引擎,輕鬆訂購優質勁抵價SIM卡,免運費送上門,準備旅程快又醒! ... HyperAir 係一間旅遊科技初創,旨在為旅行愛好者提供最醒目嘅方式去準備和享受旅行。 ...

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