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Legal Cali

Probate Litigation
Probate litigation can arise from disputes over estates, wills, trusts, inheritance rights, and beneficiary claims. With a deep understanding of probate laws, our attorneys skillfully navigate these intricate legal landscapes, offering insightful solutions and representing your case with unwavering commitment.

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Legal Cali

Family Law
At the heart of family law lies the intricate balance of legal expertise and empathetic understanding. Our team of dedicated family law attorneys is committed to guiding you through the challenges of family-related legal issues with compassion, integrity, and unwavering advocacy. Family law encompasses a wide range of matters, from divorce and child custody to spousal support and property division. We recognize that each case is unique, and we approach every situation with a personalized strategy tailored to your specific needs and goals.

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Legal Cali

Civil Litigation
Our civil litigation attorneys are experienced in handling cases at all levels, from negotiation and alternative dispute resolution to courtroom litigation. We meticulously prepare every case, leveraging our legal acumen and comprehensive understanding of California's legal landscape to position you for success. Choosing our civil litigation attorneys means choosing committed allies who will tenaciously fight for your rights.

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LEGAL CALI  The Significance of Engaging a California Full-Service Law Firm with a Team of Attorneys
Navigating the intricate legal landscape of California
In the intricate landscape of legal matters, the decision to hire a California full-service law firm equipped with a diverse team of attorneys holds paramount importance. This strategic choice offers a plethora of advantages that can substantially impact the outcome of various legal challenges. The unique complexities of California law and the multifaceted nature of legal issues demand comprehensive legal support, making the selection of a full-service law firm an astute decision.

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LEGAL CALI  What Sets Us Apart
Experience Matters
289+ years of combined experience fighting cases

Top Rated Law Firm
Highest rated Legal Law firm In your Area

Award Winning
Top Ten Companies to Watch 2023 by Business Chief

Unwavering Commitment
Legal Cali is dedicated to working tirelessly on behalf of our clients.

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Practice Area  Innovation and client focused our Practice Area
Divorce is a legal process that dissolves the legal marital relationship between two individuals.

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Family Law
Family law is a specialized branch of legal practice that revolves around matters concerning family relationships, domestic partnerships, marriage, divorce, child custody, and more.

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Custody law is a branch of family law that determines the legal rights and responsibilities of parents or guardians in relation to the care, upbringing, and well-being of their children.

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Child Support
Child support is a fundamental aspect of family law that entails financial contributions from one parent to the other, ensuring the adequate upbringing and well-being of their shared children.

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Spousal Support / Alimony
Spousal support, also known as alimony, refers to the financial assistance that one spouse may be required to provide to the other following a divorce or separation.

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Start A Lawsuit
Starting a lawsuit involves initiating legal proceedings by filing a formal complaint or petition in a court of law against another party, known as the defendant.

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Restraining Order
A restraining order, also known as a protective order, is a legal directive issued by a court that prohibits one individual from engaging in certain actions or behaviors toward another person.

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Contract Dispute
A contract dispute arises when parties involved in a contractual agreement disagree over the interpretation, performance, or fulfillment of the terms outlined in the contract.

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Defend From a Lawsuit
Defending from a lawsuit involves the legal process of responding to allegations made by a plaintiff in a court of law.

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Business Litigation
Business litigation encompasses legal disputes that arise in the corporate world, covering a wide range of conflicts such as contract disputes, shareholder disagreements, intellectual property infringement, and breaches of fiduciary duty.

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Real Estate Litigation
Real estate litigation involves legal disputes related to property matters, encompassing issues such as property ownership, boundary disputes, landlord-tenant conflicts, and breach of real estate contracts.

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Probate Litigation
Probate litigation encompasses legal conflicts that emerge during the process of administering a deceased person's estate, involving matters such as will contests, disputes over asset distribution, and challenges to the validity of documents.

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Will Contest
A will contest is a legal proceeding in which individuals challenge the validity or terms of a deceased person's will, alleging factors such as lack of testamentary capacity, undue influence, fraud, or improper execution.

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Contract Dispute
A contract dispute arises when parties involved in a contractual agreement disagree over the interpretation, performance, or fulfillment of the terms outlined in the contract.

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Estate Administration Litigation
Estate administration litigation encompasses the legal disputes and challenges that can arise during the management and distribution of a deceased individual's assets and liabilities.

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Our Team  Experienced Lawyers & Experts
[Image: Amiel Wade]  
Amiel Wade
Senior Attorney

[Image: Robert Gigliotti]  
Robert Gigliotti
Senior Attorney

[Image: Paul P Dumont]  
Paul P Dumont
Senior Attorney

[Image: Yuri Voronin]  
Yuri Voronin
Senior Attorney

[Image: Xochitl Quezada]  
Xochitl Quezada
Senior Attorney

[Image: David Chon]  
David Chon
Senior Attorney

[Image: Victor A. Bullock]  
Victor A. Bullock
Senior Attorney

[Image: Evan Livingstone]  
Evan Livingstone
Senior Attorney

[Image: Katerina Perreault]  
Katerina Perreault
Senior Attorney

[Image: Robert S Parada]  
Robert S Parada
Senior Attorney

[Image: Ryan D. Romero]  
Ryan D. Romero
Senior Attorney

[Image: Steven L Derby]  
Steven L Derby
Senior Attorney

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